Thursday, April 7, 2016

Accepting My Post Baby Body

I got pregnant right after hitting my goal weight of 133 pounds on Weight Watchers (I'm 5'5). I thought pregnancy was a free ride to eat whatever I wanted, and not exercise. I gained 50 pounds with my first pregnancy and 55 pounds with my second (my boys are 19 months apart).

It's safe to say that my body has been through a lot over the last 2 years. And now, as my youngest baby is 11 months old, I find my face on a stranger's body when I look in the mirror. I've been trying to lose weight for several months, and not very successfully. But with the New Year, I decided I needed to get more serious about my weight loss, especially if we were considering having a third baby (call us crazy).

I started focusing on eating clean (they say you can't out exercise a bad diet). I essentially try to think “if it doesn't grow from the ground or have a mother, don't eat it.” I've seen great results with this mindset. The scale has reflected my dietary change as have my pants and my reflection! But I've also come to learn that even though I am 8 pounds from my original pre-baby weight, these last 8 pounds are a totally different 8 pounds. My body is totally different than it was before.

I've had to come to terms with the fact that although my body may never look the way it once did; my body is AMAZING. My body created, and birthed two beautiful babies, and nursed them for over a year each. My body has gained and lost over 50 pounds on multiple occasions. My body has stretch marks, baggy/extra skin, scars, saggy boobs, saddle bags, worry wrinkles, grey hairs and extra pounds. But despite all the “flaws” that have left their mark on my body, my body has still given me the most beautiful gifts that I could have ever asked for, and for that I am grateful.

I may never have a “perfect” body again. And maybe I'll never lose these last 8 pounds. But I've come to terms with my amazing mom body. A body that has done more than I even knew was possible and has given me more than I ever dreamed of having.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Starting Fresh

It's a new year and with that comes new ambitions! I was sitting around thinking the other day (surely I was actually doing 10 million things at once but that's neither here nor there) and I thought I would like to capture some of our little life stories so that we can refer back to them later in life. So much has happened in my life since I originally started this blog (deleted everything and thought, "I'll come back to it one day"). For starters, we had a baby!  Actually we've had 2 babies now... I told you a lot had happened. They are the sweetest little boys in the entire world, and the keepers of my heart. My oldest is now 20 months and is so sweet, very polite, kind, caring and simply amazing! I still call him my baby (I hope I always will) even though he's 20 months old now. He is the best big brother ever!!!! He loves his baby brother (only 6 weeks old). The baby is sweet and doesn't do much yet, but he already loves his momma so much! I can tell because he likes to be held by me. Although hell cuddle with others he seems to prefer me! 

Our lives are a little wild and crazy right now, but also fun and amazing! I hope to just use this as an outlet and a way to record our lives so that I don't forget things later in life! Hope you enjoy our life stories!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Oh yeah, and another little quick post to let you all know that I joined bloglovin. This handy little app will let you know when I've published new posts!

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